The Person lodging the message “ENS” (compatible with IE315), must send an IDOC composed by a message header-to-fixed length, which is the same for all types of files sent to the Electronic Customs Service (see paragraph 2.1, pag. 7-8, dell’Appendice per le dichiarazioni doganali - tracciati unificati del manuale utente), followed by records relating to the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) and goods items.
The message must be sent using the file type 'T', (described in paragraph 2.2.)
As described in sub-paragraph, after the message header as above described, the trader has to be prepared the file of the declaration, that includes record header + ENS data model, followed by one or more continuation/good item records (record header + ENS1 data model). To summarize the header is composed of a fixed part (see only ENS ver 3.01) followed by the data model of "ENS": continuations/goods items consist (each) of a fixed part followed by the data model of "ENS1”.
The rules for the composition of the file can be found on page 11. (The separator between each variable field is the horizontal tab (H-tab - ASCII “09” hexadecimal).
In response, the Italian EDI system sends a message ICNTRL that confirms the receipt of the message/declaration, containing the date, time processing and the number of messages processed. After processing the declaration, the system sends a reply message Irisp containing MRN (Movement Reference Number).
This message will also be available for the carrier (or his representative), if he is indicated in the ENS, he has an EORI code, he is a different subject than who sent the ENS and he is connected to the Italian EDI system.
The person who presents the ENS and the carrier (or his representative) are informed in case the goods must not be loaded on a vessel ('DO NOT LOAD').

All information on the electronic exchange of data and the general characteristics of the data models are available within the section Ti aiuto ? site of the EDI - Environment Test, which contains:

  1. Guida operativa: informazioni sull'utilizzo del servizio telematico doganale (vers. 9 giugno 2010), which defined the conditions and technical rules for transmission via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) of customs declarations and in particular:
  1. the technical connection between the customs system and the system of trader;
  2. the information about interchange of data;
  3. the structure of messages to be used;
  4. the procedures and security measures to be taken to ensure the protection of messages and files from the risks arising from unauthorized use, manipulation, delay, loss or destruction of data.
  1. Appendice: tracciati record (vers. 1 luglio 2010) , that contains the data models and the rules to be used for sending files to the Italian EDI system concerning manifest, excise, connection with TS holders etc. and explain how to process the response files by users.
  2. Appendice: tracciati record Dichiarazioni Doganali - tracciati unificati (vers. 5 luglio 2010), that contains the data models and the rules to be used for sending files to the Italian EDI system  concerning ICS (ENS, DIV, etc., and Customs Declarations) and explain how to process the response files by users.


For any questions and requests of technical information write to this e-mail: with the subject: “Project ICS”.
For questions regarding Customs legislation follow the procedure described at the following page Electronic Helpdesk