Paese UK bandiera dello UK
Designazione Ente Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
Sito web
Status Revenue Authority
Inquadramento istituzionale Amministrazione unica dogane e entrate
Organigramma Organigramma -
Mandato We are the UK's tax, payments and customs authority, and we have a vital purpose: we collect the money that pays for the UK's public services and help families and individuals with targeted financial support.
Autonomia finanziaria Yes
Grado di Autonomia finanziaria Non-ministerial Department reporting to Parliament through our Treasury minister who oversees our spending
Fiscalità diretta Yes
Funzioni di polizia tributaria Yes
Funzioni di polizia tributaria (dettagli) HMRC is responsible for investigating all attacks against the UK tax system and our other functions and aims to secure the highest level of compliance with the laws and regulations. HMRC has a wide range of civil and criminal powers, tools and interventions. Criminal investigation, with a view to prosecution, is an important part of our overall compliance strategy.
HMRC has powers to:
apply for orders requiring information to be produced production orders;
apply for and execute search warrants;
make arrestssearch suspects and premises following arrest;
recover criminal assets through the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.
There is also a border Police called Border Force. It is a law enforcement command within the Home Office (Ministero degli Interni). They secure the UK border by carrying out immigration and customs controls for people and goods entering the UK. Use of detector dogs and cars with sirens
Corpo civile Yes
Corpo militare (Ministero della Difesa) No
Divise Yes
Armi Yes
Border police (Ministero degli interni) controlli per immigrazione e doganali
Unità cinofile Yes
Border police (Ministero degli interni) controlli per immigrazione e doganali
Vetture con lampeggianti Yes
Border police (Ministero degli interni) controlli per immigrazione e doganali
Accise Energia/alcooli Yes
Accise Tabacchi Yes
Giochi No
Giochi (autorita' competente) The Gambling Commission regulates arcades, betting, bingo, casinos, gaming machine providers, gambling software providers, lottery operators, external lottery managers and remote gambling (online and by phone) that use British-based equipment.
Gambling Commission is an executive non-departmental public body
Laboratori (anche non in-house) Yes
Laboratori (dettagli) Chemists for the UK Customs and Excise Campden
Attaché doganali extra UE Yes
Customs Attaché (note) Yes
Autorità competente ai sensi Regolamento Europol Yes
Customs liaison officer presso Europol Yes