Paese Germany bandiera della Germania
Designazione Ente Bundeszollverwaltung (Central Customs Authority)
Sito web
Status Customs Agency
Inquadramento istituzionale Sotto il Ministero Federale delle Finanze
Mandato Tasks: revenue collection for Germany and Europe; Protection for citizens, the economy and the environment; international.
Autonomia finanziaria No
Grado di Autonomia finanziaria It is an intermediate authority directly governed and financed by the Federal Ministry of Finance
Fiscalità diretta No
Funzioni di polizia tributaria Yes
Funzioni di polizia tributaria (dettagli) Functions of border tax police, use of uniform. Specific cars with sirens belonging to customs. The customs administration prevents smuggling, piracy, controls the international trade in protected animals and plants, and supports the originally responsible state protection agencies of the police (Federal Criminal Police Office, State Criminal Police Offices and local state protection agencies) participating in the fight against terrorism. The Central Office for Financial Transaction Investigations (FIU) carried out the strategic and operational analyzes of the suspicious activity reports sent by the obligated parties. The Central Support Group Customs (ZUZ) is a special unit of customs that is located at the Customs Criminal Police Office. It is comparable to the Special Operations Command (SEK) of the state police.
Corpo civile Yes
Corpo militare (Ministero della Difesa) No
Divise Yes
Armi Yes
Unità cinofile Yes
Vetture con lampeggianti Yes
Accise Energia/alcooli Yes
Accise Tabacchi Yes
Giochi No
Giochi (autorita' competente) Federal State and different laender jointly
Laboratori (anche non in-house) Yes
Laboratori (dettagli) Through the Generalzolldirektion Bildungs - und Wissenschaszentrum der Bundesfinanzverwaltung Abteilung Wissenscha und Technik
Attaché doganali extra UE Yes
Customs Attaché (note)  
Autorità competente ai sensi Regolamento Europol Yes
Customs liaison officer presso Europol Yes