Anti-Fraud and Controls Directorate - Laboratories
00143 - Via M. Carucci, 71
E mail:

The quality of the services offered on the market by the Chemical Laboratories of the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency is certified through the testing accreditation issued by ACCREDIA (Italian Accreditation Body).

The high level of specialization reached by our laboratories over the years enables us to offer consultancy and certification in the food sector, in the organic and inorganic industry as well as in the oil and petroleum products sector. New specializations in gemmology and transgenic food (GMOs) have also been added to these product categories due to the constant training of our technicians, attentive to the needs of a market in which a correct and clear application of regulations defending production and consumer interests is increasingly required.

Information relevant to our services, service tariffs, and the possibility of stipulating agreements, can be requested by e-mail.

The quality of the services we provide is the same for both occasional and regular customers. The price of services is lowered for “loyal” customers who sign an agreement with us.

For the stipulation of the agreement with the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency, in addition to expressing their will with a specific request to be addressed to the Laboratories Office or to the nearest chemical laboratory, clients must indicate the type of samples to be analysed and their annual amount, as well as the type of results to be determined. Based on the number of samples to be analysed, a reduction on the total price is applied.

The analysis we perform concern almost 40 product categories, approximately 170 types of goods and over 1700 results to be determined about food, petroleum and industrial products.

We do not claim to analyse the entire product spectrum, but everything we do and offer reflects what the client asks for: quality.

We offer a quality service for a quality product.