Loghi Programma Operativo Nazionale Infrastrutture e Reti 2014 - 2020

The National Operational Program (PON) Infrastructures and Networks 2014-2020 pursues the priorities of the European Union in the field of transport infrastructures, contributing to the improvement of the conditions of mobility of people and goods and is aimed at guaranteeing a competitive development of the territories less developed regions and to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion. The Program strategy is aimed at promoting sustainable transport systems and eliminating bottlenecks in the main network infrastructures, in implementation of Thematic Objective 7 of the current Partnership Agreement (AdP). The Program is divided into three priority Axes and intervenes in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicily to achieve, among other things, the goal of improving the competitiveness of the port system and the inter-port system.

Consult the PON website:  http://www.ponir.mit.gov.it/

As part of Axis II - for investment priority 7.c - the PON admits interventions to "Optimize the procedural chain, including customs, also through interoperability between the digital systems/platforms under development (one-stop shop Customs, Maritime Office, UIR Net, Port Community System), with a view to single window/one stop shop. (See AdP - Action 7.2.4).

Within this context, the Customs and Monopolies Agency, in response to the public notice of interest issued by the Managing Authority, presented a program for the digitization of the logistics chain divided into 6 interventions to be implemented also through the funds available from the PON I&R.

