Government and ADM
ADM is one of the three Italian tax agencies which carry out technical and operational functions for the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in the sectors of Customs, Excise duties and Monopolies and collaborates with other bodies of the State for matters falling within its competence.
It supervises ADM’s activities. The relation between the two is regulated by an Agreement signed every three year. In said Agreement, the Ministry of Economy and Finance sets out methods, objectives and resources. Moreover, ADM collaborates with the Guardia di Finanza when they both have competence in particular matters.
Such a department provides support to ADM in terms of modernization policies and the related transformation process. It sets out guidelines for national collective agreements, and the related rights and obligations by the employees.
The interaction with ADM is aimed at promoting the export of Italian goods, safeguarding the Made in Italy merchandise mark and the issuing of authorizations for the movement of goods. The Agency is one of the signatory administrations of the «Pact for Export». The activities related to the Unit for Authorization of Military Materials (UAMA) are particularly relevant.
It interacts with ADM in matters relating to port logistics and freight terminals with the combined use of ADM’s Single Window of Controls (SUDoCo) and the European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe), in pre-clearance and fishing monitoring. Moreover, ADM cooperates with port authorities in its matters of competence.
The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (Ministero dell’Ambiente e della sicurezza energetica) works with ADM in order to issue authorizations regarding all the production plants operating in the mineral oils sector, as well as those authorizations needed to sell natural gas and electricity to end users. ADM is tasked with monitoring the import and export of energy products and fossil fuels, as well as their minimum storage level. ADM is also a member of the Committee on biofuels, and as such, it deals with all those mandatory requirements concerning the sale of these products.
The Ministry of Interior (Ministero dell’Interno) cooperates with the Agency in the fight against criminal organizations and their illegal trafficking in drugs, waste and narcotics. To this end, the ADM works closely with the DCSA (Central Directorate of Anti-drugs Services), and it is also a member of the UISS (Information Unit of Sporting Bets). In addition, the ADM cooperates with the Italian police corps in order to build an effective information sharing system, thus enhancing both their training level and the quality of their analysis and investigation activities.
It collaborates with ADM in tobacco, alcohol and gaming matters with the aim of safeguarding public health with the support of chemical laboratories. Through ADM’s Single Customs Windows of Controls (SUDoCo) it interacts with veterinary offices to fulfill EU legal obligations (UVAC offices) and plant-health checks in Border Control Posts (BCPs) for the purposes of health and hygiene border controls.
The interaction with ADM relates to the safeguard of the market and the final consumers. In particular, in matters related to imported products and the fight against piracy and counterfeiting, with the support of chemical laboratories. It intervenes in industrial property matters by protecting Made in Italy products and by tackling the «Italian sounding» market phenomenon.
This Ministry works with ADM for the implementation of the “Action plan on military mobility”, ensuring the collaboration with NATO in the control and movement of weapons and dangerous goods, through the General Secretariat of Defense and Armed Forces
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (Ministero dell’Agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste) interacts with ADM in order to monitor the trade in agri-food products and check all the related certifications. The two bodies also cooperate for the rational development of the horseracing sector by managing the related sport betting process and regulations.
The Ministry of Culture (Ministero della Cultura) collaborates with the ADM in order to fight against the illegal national and international trafficking of cultural relics and counterfeit artworks, as well as to protect the Italian and international cultural heritage and to ensure the correct implementation of the copyright legislation. In order to achieve these goals, the Ministry cooperates with the Agency to develop a set of customs procedures covering the handling of every type of artwork and cultural goods.
The ADM cooperates with the the Ministry of Tourism (Ministero del Turismo) for a rational and effective promotion of the vast Italian national heritage, with a special focus on the country’s coastline and maritime areas. This is achieved by removing any type of shipwrecks from its coast, as well as fighting against illicit sand mining and the illegal removal of stones and shells from the most renowned beaches all over the country.
The Ministry of Sport (Ministero per lo Sport) interacts with the ADM in the fight against illegal acts threatening the sporting sector, making use of ADM’s intelligence on suspicious betting flows regarding any sport betting activity and taking part in the related national and international working groups.