Gaming concessionaries
The opening of a dedicated Lotto betting shop can be done only by gaming operators who already own an ordinary or special resale of monopoly products.
The application, drawn up on a specific form, must be forwarded to the Monopoly Office within the relevant jurisdiction, based on the location of the resale, in the period between 1 January and 1 March of each year.
Once lodged, all applications are acquired by the Tax Management and Games Monopoly Department - Lotto and Lotteries Office which draw up specific rankings on a regional basis.
The criteria used for the issuing of a licensed betting point depends on how long before the application was submitted and any abovementioned grant shall be subordinated to the meeting of a minimum annual threshold of betting revenue of €224,911.82based upon the average municipal gaming revenue (DD of 12/12/2003 and subsequent amendments).
An application may also be submitted pursuant to art. 2 of the D.D. of 16/5/2007 and subsequent amendments if the requesting betting shop is located at a distance of at least 1,000 meters from the active lottery retailer; for municipalities with a population equal to or greater than 10,000 inhabitants, this distance is reduced to at least 400 meters. The applications, submitted to the competent Monopoly Offices for the area, will be supplemented by an investigation and submitted to the assessment by a special Commission which will determine the assignment also on the basis of parameters for assessing potential profitability.
For the stipulation of the contract, the successful tenderer should present the following documentation:
- fire and theft insurance;
- security deposit to guarantee contractual obligations;
- evidence of the payment of €1,291.14 (one-off) for the installation of each gaming terminal digitally connected to the concessionaire Lottoitalia s.r.l.
The percentage of the premium due to the gaming operator is equal to 8% of the total revenue collection of bets made in betting shops.
Graduatorie punti lotto 2020 - aggiornate al 25/11/2020
Ranking of Lotto retailers 2019 - aggiornate il 11/11/2019
Ranking of Lotto retailers 2018 – aggiornate il 16/11/2018