Facilities and sites for the storage of mineral oils with a capacity of not less than 10,000 cubic meters (or 400 cubic meters for LPG) have been qualified by the legislator as energy infrastructure strategy. They are therefore subject to authorization:

  • installation and operation of new storage facilities
  • factories decommissioning
  • variation of more than 30% of the total authorized storage capacity.

The authorization process is headed by the MISE and involves other ministerial, regional and local bodies, as well as the Customs and Monopolies Agency which expresses its technical-fiscal opinion on the works to be carried out. The video describes the procedural steps preordained for the release of the technical verification that the Customs and Monopolies Agency issues to ensure protection of tax interest. The stages of the procedure start from the examination of the requests and technical documents and involve all the branches of the Agency: the Customs Office, which knows the relevant operational context of reference and carries out surveys on the structure of the warehouse (storage capacity, product handling lines, internal security measures of the plant, road access, etc. ...); the territorial Department which expresses its technical assessments; the Central Energy and Alcohol Management Department which verifies the results of the investigations and formalizes the opinion to the MISE in order to safeguard tax interest. The requirements regarding the plant structure of the deposit, having binding force for the purposes of the subsequent release of the operating licence, which the applicant undertakes to accept and implement, are defined in the event that they materialize in the execution of certain works.