The projects of AIDA
The organisation and the management of the projects of the European Union and those of a national initiative are delegated to the ONCE Task Forces, which are project teams structured at a central and territorial level.
The ONCE task forces are entrusted with: alignment of the IT system of the UCC – Customs Single Window – Customs Clearance at Sea – Fast Corridor – Otello – Gate Automation and Tracking Systmes – National Infrastructure Operational Programme and networds 2014-2020). Interested users can apply to ONCE Task forces territorial contact points.
ONCE Central Task Force - aggiornata composizione e costituiti due Gruppi di lavoro: Re.Te. e Glifitaly
European Union Projects
National Initiative Projects
Application Cooperation between PPAA and local and regional Authorities
OTELLO (Online Tax Refund at Exit: Light Lane Optimization)
Digititation of customs clearance processes
Il Trovatore (Simplification deriving from physical monitoring of the goods)
EOS (Database of economic operators EORI + AEO)
AES (Automated Export)
NCTS and TIR (Automated Transit)