Permanent technical committee for digitisation
E-customs and digitisation of excise duties
During the digitisation technical committee meetings, strategies and development plans regarding the evolution of the legal framework at EU and national level are shared. Additionally common strategies to guide the regulatory framework are defined.
Those forming part of the committees
- Associations, Federations, Trade Associations
- Institutions
The committees meet periodically and nominated delegates from the Trade Associations/Accredited Entities participate
How to request accreditation
Send an email to with the subject: “Accreditiation technical committee E-customs” or “Accreditation technical committee excise duties” indicating in the body of the email:
- the name of the entity
- the name of the delegate(s)
- email address for communications
Communication of variations
Accredited bodies are invited to communicate any rectifications by sending an email to: with the subject “Modification data technical committee E-customs” or “Modification data technical committee excise duties”.
Next meetings