Procedure doganali nei porti
Customs procedures in ports

During a conference which was held on 18 June 2019 in Rome (which saw the participation of the port Authorities, the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Tax Police), the Italian National Agency for Digitisation, of the Harbour Masters' Association and of the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport), the Customs and Monopolies Agency presented the "Special Project for digitisation of customs procedures in national ports". With this initiative, the Customs and Monopolies Agency intends contributing to a greater development of traffic in Italian ports through the use of advanced technologies and simplifications for the operators
The objective is that of achieving a seamless logistics chain in which, for example, goods can be customs cleared at sea, and pass rapidly the port through gate automation, to be sent to their destination by way of a fast corridor. This should allow often congested port areas to be cleared quickly.
The project concerns the digitisation of both import-export procedures and of the relative inbound and outbound customs requirements. This applies at entry and exit of the goods at loading/disembarkation and includes the payment of anchoring/port taxes. The timescale and costs of the whole customs operations are reduced through the standardisation of operating procedures, whilst improving security.
The implementation of the project envisages the collaboration of the Port Authorities for which the Customs and Monopolies Agency has devised and made available the "Digitisation of Port Customs Procedures – Interoperability Model" This contains general technical data for the development of projects and "Port tracking" application.
The solution developed by the Agency has the advantage of being able to interface with any IT systems currently used by the Port Authorities and which enhances the synergies among all stakeholders.
The Port System Authorities are invited to express their interest in participating in the project by contacting the Organization, Research and Digital transition office of Organization and Digital Transtormation Directorate.
Tel. 0039 0650243018